With your support, we can deliver the Project's key goals; provide young people with essential life skills and ensure a sustainable and thriving future for our marine environment.

£3,975 (+VAT)
Support 20 students and be part of delivering their opportunity of a lifetime. You will host one week with DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL and even have the opportunity for your team to take part in the programme of events and engage fully with the school taking part.
This is an excellent package for any organisation looking to raise their profile and build upon their corporate and social responsibility policy.
£150 (+VAT)
In diving a DIVE BUDDY is your life-line; it's who you rely on to ensure a fun and safe dive experience. DIVE PROJECT CORNWALLwould love to match a DIVE BUDDY SPONSOR for every child who takes part in one of our dive camps.
The perfect option for individuals and small businesses; those who share the values and goals of DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL and would like to support.

Join a group of distinguished Cornish brands and enjoy your logo proudly promoted throughout all DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL marketing campaigns to schools across the whole of the UK.
If you are a Cornish brand looking to raise your profile beyond Cornwall and align with other great brands, then this is the perfect package for you.
FROM £5,000 (+VAT)
Here at DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL we want to accommodate all and any ideas as best we can. You may have something special to offer and want to get involved so please contact us and let us know how.
Perfect for a company that want to do more to help the Project but doesn't feel that any of the other packages ticks their boxes!

Burgess Salmon
School Week Host Sponsor
"We are delighted to be an early supporter of DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL which is a fantastic addition to our Working with Schools programme. This multi-benefit initiative resonates strongly with our responsible business priorities and values."
Bespoke Sponsorship
"Thank you for all you have and continue to do for these kids. The term ‘life changing’ can be used too loosely, but these weeks in Cornwall with you & your team TRULY are life changing.
Be proud and know that we appreciate all that you do."
Cornwall Living
Cornish Brand Sponsorship
"Of course, we were delighted to support DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL - their innovative approach to marine conservation is important to not only our county but also to the wider community. We've been able to follow and publish their progress in our magazines, reaching all visitors to our region."
Bespoke Sponsorship
"DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL is an innovative and effective way of educating the next generation of the importance of a healthy marine environment as well as encouraging a responsibility for protecting it; which of course is critical for the future of our planet. I encourage all businesses to do what they can to support this exciting and unique project."